| Samaa

India is turning off the internet to fight fake news

In an article discussing restrictions placed on internet to fight against fake news, SFLC spokesperson was quoted as saying “Any time there’s going to be a protest, whether peaceful or not, the first thing the authorities do is shut the internet down so there’s no communication"

| Greater Kashmir

Internet shutdown a day costs Kashmir subscribers Rs 2.5 crore

In an article discussing financial loses due to internet shutdowns in Kashmir, data by SFLC.in has been mentioned


Rajasthan mulling ban on WhatsApp during entrance exams

In an article about Rajasthan government planning to restrict messaging apps, particularly WhatsApp, to prevent mass copying during entrance examination, data on internet shutdowns by Software Freedom Law Centre was mentioned 



In this article, Mishi Choudhary discusses the Aadhaar Verdict given by the Supreme Court
| Quartz

India’s first data protection bill is riddled with problems

In an article discussing the shortcomings of the data protection bill, Mishi Choudhary was quoted as saying “With little understanding of technology, sections are slapped, forcing companies and executives to deal with the criminal machinery.”

| Economic Times

'India's data protection bill is poorly worded; does not serve any stakeholder's interests'

The article discusses the points raised regarding the Data Protection Bill, 2018 at the round table event organized by sflc.in in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kochi 

Call for building awareness, understanding of proposed Data Protection law

The article talks about the implications of draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 which were discussed in a round table discussion organised by sflc.in 

Indians worried about data misuse on Facebook

In an article discussing the data and privacy issues of facebook, Mishi Choudhary was quoted as saying “They (users) can proceed under sections 43a and 72 of IT ACT. Section 43A of the IT Act explicitly provides that whenever a corporate body possesses or deals with any sensitive personal data or information, and is negligent in maintaining a reasonable security to protect such data or information, which thereby causes wrongful loss or wrongful gain to any person, then such body corporate shall be liable to pay damages to the person(s)”